Planting Day on 11 September 10-12am



Sunday 11 September, 10am - 12pm

Brunswick Train Station

We will be following on from the work conducted a couple of weeks ago with more weeding, mulching, planting and watering. There is an absolutely wonderful habitat being created at this location, if you're on Facebook, check out some of the gorgeous photos and stories from the previous Planting Day.




Sunday 11 September, 10am - 12pm

Anstey Train Station

We will be focusing on the eastern side of the railway line garden bed, trimming bushes, weeding, mulching, planting and watering. This one will be breaking new ground, so I'm really looking forward to seeing the outcome of this one.

At each station we will have an expert sharing their knowledge about weeds and natives, so we make sure the goodies are kept in the ground. There will be mulch delivered to each site and it is hoped we'll have a good number of hands helping out across both stations - each has about 400 plants to get in the ground so there's plenty of work to do.


Thanks for being a part of the beautification of the Upfield Line - your time and commitment is what makes it all worthwhile.


Remember those gloves.



The FULP Team.