The area between Brunswick and Anstey Railway Stations has a lot of areas ripe for planting, on both the east and west sides. This is a bit opportunity for Upfield Urban Forest to thrive!

The path from Brunswick to Anstey Station makes its way from a beautiful native forest around Brunswick Station, planted by the Friends of Upfield Linear Park and managed by Gerard Morel starting in 2011, passed factory walls to The Commons, with its popular cafe Steam Junkies below it. The road outside Steam Junkies was painted in 2014 and there is lots of excellent graffiti here and in the surrounding streets.  The excellent folk at the Commons have put in a watering system along the fence between the bike path and the train station...and a recent planting near Anstey Station on 11 September 2016 should see the area starting to look very lush...

Can you believe that this is a train station in the middle of Brunswick - totally amazing and green. A place where passers-by stop and say g'day. Here are Alex, Jo, Jeremy and Tamara - all wonderful volunteers helping create an urban forest.

Can you believe that this is a train station in the middle of Brunswick - totally amazing and green. A place where passers-by stop and say g'day. Here are Alex, Jo, Jeremy and Tamara - all wonderful volunteers helping create an urban forest.

Brunswick Station

In about 2011, the Friends of Upfield Linear Park negotiated with Connex (now Metro) to become "stationeers" thus obtaining the right to plant the region between Albert and Victoria St on either side of the Upfield Trainline.  Here is a shot of what it looked like before they started their work:

Brunswick Station East Side - before plantings

Brunswick Station East Side - before plantings

Now look at what this area has become:

Brunswick Station East Side

Brunswick Station East Side


Saturday 19 August 2017

Another planting, watering, mulching, eating and weeding day at Brunswick Railway Station. With 100 plants going in on both the east and west sides of the train station. There were about 16 people helping for 2.5 hours - thank you! We had a scone, muffin and tea break when some ominous clouds started rolling over the western skyline, which gave us all a chance to catch up and meet some new people who were sharing in the vision of creating this urban forest. Little Marlo was helping Tamara and crew to create a wonderful stone garden on the east side - so lovely to see this sharing of knowledge. This was the last planting session for this season, so on with watering and beautifying to make sure these little beauties survive and thrive.

Saturday 17 June, 2017

Thanks to a successful grant application with VicTrack and Keep Victoria Beautiful through the Brunswick Stationeers program - in June 2017 more planting went in. We received just over $800 which went towards buying weed matting (roll and square mat forms), tree guards and stakes. This mammoth planting session used these materials and planted about 100 plants. What a great effort by these lovely committed locals who care about our urban environment. Thank you!


For more information about the Brunswick site open this link here.

People of Moreland....please help.  Lets make this place a beautiful wilderness of plants and people.

Interested in JoININg IN?

Do you have ideas for this website?  Know some gardeners or artists that need a something written about them?  Are you keen to plant, garden, forage, paint, build art or free libraries? Are you already a gardener or artist working on the site? Do you have a big idea or vision and need people to help? Go for it...or contact us to build the Upfield Forester community....